
Talmadge Eyre
What’s Dad Mode? It’s a 25-step process to be a better father that Talmadge Eyre, our Lead Dad of the Father’s Day Week, is advancing in…
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How A Daughter Learned to Negotiate For Pay
My 7-year-old daughter discovered the connection between work and money this weekend and she went all in finding things she could get paid…
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Do other lead parents accept you as a Lead Dad?
Skip Cherryholmes talks about other parents that have come to realize his position, and how they engage with him over family matters.
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Discussing Career Paths and College Choices
Talking to your children about career paths and college can be a delicate and complex task. As a parent, you want to support and guide them…
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What You Can Learn From A Challenging Childhood
Verne Marble is one of four and the father of four. His childhood was a bit haphazard. But he’s a committed father who was clear-eyed…
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Glen Hicks
What would you do differently if you survived a massive heart attack in the prime of your life, with your career taking off and a growing…
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What is it like for a Lead Dad on the playground?
Paul Sullivan covers this common question, and engaging with other parents while your kids are playing.
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Getting Your Kid to Eat Healthy
Preparing nourishing children’s meals is one of the joys of being a father. However, feeding a toddler can feel like a full-time job…
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Navigating Caregiving and Careers: Insights from Working Moms
In this candid conversation, working moms Casandra Williams and Aurore Joshi open up about the challenges and joys of navigating careers…
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Sean Minard
When Sean Minard was laid off during bereavement leave, after his twin daughters died, he knew he would never put anything above being a…
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Why Vacationing at Work & Working on Vacation Works
How to vacation while working and work on a vacation – I’ve been thinking about this for the past month since interviewing a fascinating…
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Question: Has lead parenting challenged the hardwiring in your brain about what is manly?
Skip Cherryholmes explains how parenting will change your perspective of “manly” or “macho” thinking, and what is honorable to his family…
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