Andy Kriebel

Andy Kriebel, a new father who also has four older children, is our Lead Dad of the Week!

Kriebel has worked in senior data analysis roles in Atlanta, San Francisco, and now outside of London. With his first four children, taking leave wasn’t an option where he worked. “When my kids were born, I didn’t have any time off unless I wanted to take my two weeks of vacation,” he said. “I can do it quite differently this time. I get three months paid paternity leave.”

When he found out his partner Eva was pregnant, he began to think about how he could be around more – something not allowed where he worked or really in American work culture at the time of his first marriage.

“I have leave and I can be around,” he said. “It’s something I hadn’t experienced before. I had to go to the office.”

The other difference is that his partner works and will continue working. “My ex-wife stayed at home, and everyone was financially dependent on me,” he said. “There isn’t that same stress as there was before. My partner has a job where she makes good money. The situation I’m in now has let me reflect a bit.”

That reflection has Andy stepping into a Lead Dad role and focusing on how he can be present for his baby Annika.

Welcome, Andy, to The Company of Dads!