Welcome To Lead Dad Coaching

We Exist to Support Men Who Have Taken On The Role of Lead Dad

The Company of Dads was founded by Paul Sullivan, who was a Lead Dad who worked full time – in his case as a columnist for The New York Times. We seek to help all types of Lead Dads – whether they work full time, part time, or devote all their time to their families. We know that in many cases Lead Dads are supporting their wives or spouses in their careers, and those partners may be the higher earners.

Our coaching helps Lead Dads become more comfortable in their roles and happier and productive.

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What We Help Solve

We’re Here To Help Lead Dads Fulfill Their Potential

The three biggest struggles of being a Lead Dad are:

  • Isolation in your community and at work
  • Stigmatized for challenging traditional gender roles around money and masculinity
  • Lack of Acceptance from parental gatekeepers in your community and at workplace resource groups

We are here to coach you through the issues that all Lead Dads face – and that the happiest and most fulfilled find a way to get around.

Want To Be A Lead Dad?

Not a Lead Dad But Want to Step Up – Or Be Signed Up By Your Spouse?

We offer a 45-minute Lead Dad Boot Camp that lays out why being a Lead Dad today is the best thing you can do for your family and yourself. We detail how doing incrementally more at home and being more open about your parenting at work can lead to big personal and professional gains.