Chris Nebenzahl

Introducing Chris Nebenzahl from Denver, CO, as our Lead Dad of the Week!

Both Chris and his wife Elizabeth work in real estate – he’s running research and data analytics for a startup, and she’s doing #marketing for a large property owner. They met in graduate school and have two daughters under two!

His research position has allowed him to work remotely and step into the Lead Dad role. But that alone hasn’t been the key to their success as a family.

“I lay out a calendar as much as possible,” he said. “We’re equally organized. But I’d prefer to know where we’re going on vacation in 2025. I have all these lists… it may be to a fault.”

It helps to keep two working parents with two young kids and grandparents on opposite coasts chugging along in Denver. “I’m the over-thinker, the over-worrier. The over-analyst. It comes with my occupation.”

One thing that has worked for him to perform at a high level at work and at home is honesty and transparency. “Back in May I was upfront that I have Covid, my daughter has Covid, and I’m going to need a break,” he said.

He feels fortunate to have a great remote job and the ability to pick up and drop off his daughters at daycare. It was a model he learned from watching the changes his father made in his life. His dad moved his law office from Boston to their hometown of Sharon, MA. “He said that was the best decision he made in his professional life, and it was one of the top five decisions he’s made in his life,” Chris said. “It opened him up to so much more.”

Being able to do what his father did while working for another company has been a game-changer for Chris and his family. “I very much count my blessings that I’m working from home,” he said. “Even though people have done it for generations, to add on a commute would be tough.”

Welcome Chris to The Company of Dads!