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Finances, Parenting

How to Talk to Your Kids About Money

Many parents were taught not to talk about money in polite company. Money was seen as taboo – along with religion and politics. But we…

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Advice, Parenting

5 Ways to Boost Your Kid’s Confidence

Confidence is something that doesn’t come naturally to everyone. You might have one kid that’s extremely confident and outgoing and…

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Advice, Parenting, Siblings

How To Get Your Kids To Fight Less

If you have more than one child, you know bickering between kids. Some days it feels like you should be wearing a shirt with zebra stripes…

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What To Do When You Don’t Like Your Kids’ Friends’ Parents?

Whether we want to or not, we often spend a lot of time with – or hearing about – the parents of our kids’ friends. Sometimes they’re…

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Lying, Parenting

Tips For When Our Kids Lie to Us

As George Costanza famously said, “It’s not a lie if you believe it”. While it’s funny in the context of a beloved 90’s sitcom…

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Fatherhood, Parenting

How To Become the Go-To Parent

As the school year gets underway and our kids get back into the swing of clubs, sports, birthday parties, appointments (and more) it means…

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Birthdays, Parenting

6 Birthday Traditions to Start With Your Kids

It can be hard in today’s digital landscape not to get caught up in the lavish picture perfect birthdays we see posted on social media..

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1×1 Activities To Do With Your Child

Summer vacations can be full of magic and memory making—but they’re usually as a family. Now that we’re heading back-to-school, it’s a…

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Parenting, Tips and Advice, Travel

Best Tips for Flying with Kids

Flying in general can be stressful—worrying if there’s going to be traffic on the way to the airport, getting through some of the…

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Parenting, Reading

Best Tips for Young Readers – And Their Dads

Kids learning to read is one of those milestones we celebrate as parents. But the road to getting there isn’t always a smooth one. We…

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How do you bounce back after an off-day?

We’ve all had off-days as parents. You’re short on time, patience, energy, or all of the above. There’s no shame in having off-days. We…

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Chores, Parenting, Pets

Is your child ready for a pet?

Pets are a lot of responsibility and cost when you factor in food, grooming, vet visits (and all of those toys you can’t help yourself…

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