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Moving, Parenting, Tips and Advice

Tips and Tricks to Make Moving Easier

There are a lot of moving pieces that go into actually moving. Packing, loading, de-cluttering, donating, moving utilities, and the list goes on. If you’ve done it, you know how stressful it can be. Now, throw in children and pets running around and th …

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Kids Activities, Parenting

Top Rainy Day Kid Activities

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day—like when the kids are at school. However, that’s almost never the case. It rains or snows…

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Parenting, Toddlers

5 Tips for Picky Eaters

When babies first start eating solid foods, they’ll eat almost anything. So much so that with all of the vegetable eating, they lull you into a false sense of security. You think you’ve got parenting and feeding your kid healthy, nutrient dense food na …

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How to Deal With Bullies

Kids are going to bully or be bullied. It’s the sad reality of childhood. Both boys and girls are going to be subject to it, online, in-person and probably coming to VR soon. Maybe it’s getting worse than it used to be. But one thing is true: We are mo …

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Keeping Your Summer Sanity

Of course we love our kids. But summer is an enormous open canvas of time that can be hard to fill. And you’re trying to work…

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Work-Life Balance—Fact or Fiction?

We’re all familiar with the term ‘Work-Life Balance’. It’s an outdated phrase. At the very least we should call it Work-Life Integration…

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Best Advice For New Fathers

Becoming a dad is both exciting and scary. You’re entering an unknown world where you lack tools and information. Chance are you’re deeply…

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Teen Dating Advice

Fathers of teens might feel a little nauseous at the thought of our child going out on a date. But it’s normal and natural – if not always…

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5 Tips for Helping Fearful Kids

Helping kids through their fears is tough. As adults, we can look at the situation rationally – there is nothing outside, the doors are…

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How Many Activities is Too Many?

After-school clubs, sports, and music lessons—oh my. It seems as though kids’ schedules are busier than ever. This got us thinking. How…

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How to Make Dad Friends

Forced proximity was the name of the game for childhood friendships. Your friends were kids you were in school with, played sports with…

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6 Tips to Avoid Parental Burnout

Here at the Company of Dads we know what it means to be a Lead Dad – the go-to parent for appointments, sports, a shoulder to cry on, and…

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