New Year, New Dad You!
Join the 'rest of us' Dads as we air our grievances, demonstrate feats of strength and share a virtual Festivus dinner. Best Festivus pole wins!
January 17, 2024, 8:30 pm

Father’s Festivus
Join the 'rest of us' Dads as we air our grievances, demonstrate feats of strength and share a virtual Festivus dinner. Best Festivus pole wins!
December 06, 2023, 8:30 pm

DADSgiving Event
Join us for an evening of holiday stories (good and bad), a spirited debate on whether cranberry sauce should come from a can (or not be served at all), and general gratitude as we get closer to wrapping up another calendar year of dadding.
November 08, 2023, 8:30 pm

Fall Dad Meetup
Gone are the days when you looked forward to the fall release of pumpkin spice-flavored IPAs, lattes, breads, muffins and even candles. Because, now the pumpkin spice train rolls through town as summer is still burning bright. You can either hop aboard or, well, there’s probably another pumpkin spice train right behind it.
October 11, 2023, 8:30 am

The Company of Dads Back-to-School Meetup
Dads, The back-to-school build-up will be behind you come September 7. By the time we gather, you will have checked the supply list twice, thrice, whatever four is here. You’ll have figured out which teachers are naughty or nice—wait, wrong season. But you get it.
September 07, 2023, 9:00 pm

A Mid-Summer Night’s Meetup for Dads
Join Us For A Casual Hour Of Dad Chat.
July 26, 2023, 8:30 pm

Fatherhood, Friendship, and Finances
Modern Husbands and the Company of Dads have teamed up to host a community discussion on fatherhood, friendship, and finances. Financial psychologist and best selling author Dr. Brad Klontz will join us.
November 15, 2022, 8:30 pm