Skip Cherryholmes: Week 3 Of Lead Dad Life

The big questions is, Can I do this? You jump off the ship and wonder can I swim? By and large I feel like I can. The best part overall is I’ve had the opportunity to be super hands on with both of my kids in a way that is almost brand new. As long as I get something figured out [workwise], I’m going to be present. I take my computer and sit on the deck. I can...

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 2 Of Lead Dad Life

The best part has been the realization that I’m taking this step. We packed the whole family up and took a short vacation down to Disney world. It’s been so prominent because this has been a period of so much adjustment. … It’s been very mentally laborious – from the moment I made the decision to start the process, every aspect has been absorbing my energy. My wife...

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 3 Of Lead Dad Life

I’ve been able to spend a lot more time with my son, Aiden. Adeline is two, and she’s pretty low maintenance. She plays with her toys, and you interact with her. Aiden is very detailed - you have to be all in 100 percent focused. It has to go the way he has it in his head. It’s a wild ride. His imagination is just exploding. I want him to have that liberty. He’ll find ways to make it work when he gets older.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 4 Of Lead Dad Life

The most challenging moments for me have been that I’ve landed myself into so many different things. I wanted to try it all. I never knew I was capable of doing so many other things. But I have to be very deliberate about shutting it off. One of the defining moments of me coming off the road was my son trying to talk to me and me not being able to focus on him. I want this family to succeed.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 5 Of Lead Dad Life

We actually took a week and went to Myrtle Beach, S.C. and went to Ocean Lakes Camping. It’s really, really nice. This is something that I’ve done every year since I got married. They’ve always held a music festival at the campground. My group Sideline would be hired to play on a Saturday or Sunday. We’d get a house and go down the week before. We’d hang out at Ocean Lakes the whole week, then play music and go home.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 6 Of Lead Dad Life

Welcome to Month 6 of the Lead Dad Diaries with Skip Cherryholmes. We’re almost halfway through, and neither of us can believe it. Skip wore a Star Wars shirt; Paul was not as well dressed. Before we got to the 5 questions, we talked music, movie scores, and the power of music in cinema. And somehow it led to laugh tracks, shows kids like and the redeeming features of kid TV.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 7 Of Lead Dad Life

I feel sometimes that when you’re a Lead Dad you have a barrage of things on a daily basis that come your way that could almost qualify as Lead Dad moments. Helping Aiden in school has been a huge one for me. I’ve watched him develop so rapidly. He’ll sit down and ask me something so substantially above anything I thought he was listening to. He wants me to go into depth and I’ve realized I’m talking to a little man.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 8 Of Lead Dad Life

My son Aidan turned six. It’s hard to believe that six years ago we were at the hospital. Crossing out of 5 into 6, it feels like you’re really on your way. We went to Disney to celebrate. It’s one of the true pleasures - getting together with your kids. You’re not worried about all the development, the structure, everything. We literally jumped into the kiddie pool together.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 9 Of Lead Dad Life

What’s your best Lead Dad moment been? There is so much there w the holidays and you get to bask in the magic of the holidays. It was so much fun to be a part of that family that I had kind of missed. I know there were several moments – my son has taken up w a young lady at church.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 10 Of Lead Dad Life

I’ve done cruises for 20 years. This trip I got to have my family with me. I’d always thought, How cool would it be to take the kids? It played out as I thought it would. The cruise with our kids was a bucket list thing. Getting together with the guys in Sideline was a good thing. I have no desire to go back on the road and gig and gig. My brother is in a band, and he went to Australia for two months. I have no desire to do that. It’s fun to get together and jam a little music. My son was out there signing the lyrics. He knows all the songs.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 11 Of Lead Dad Life

What’s been the best part of the past month? Last month has had a lot of great parts. Stephanie’s cousin got married at the beginning of the month. I was able to do something at their reception dinner [as a pastor]. It was the Super Bowl – I tried out all different flavors of wings. I make mine in the air fryer, which makes me feel a bit better. I went through 35 or 40 wings during the Super Bowl.

Skip Cherryholmes: Month 12 Of Lead Dad Life

Welcome to Month 12 of Lead Dad Diaries. This is it. We promised to follow Skip for a year on his Lead Dad journey. We did it. And from our end a lot has changed. For one Skip went from being a Dad we liked to a Lead Dad who is running The Company of Dads social media.