Introducing Rupesh Bhambwani, our Lead Dad of the Week. Living in Mumbai, in India, Rupesh, who has a daughter and a son, launched the Cool Dads’ Club in 2019 as a Facebook Group and on WhatsApp. His goal was to motivate dads in his country to get outside with their kids and to take charge of planning more activities for them.
“The responsibility of raising children, helping them with their homework, sports, play time, taking them outdoors falls either on the mother, or the maid/nanny,” Rupesh said. “You will rarely see Dads taking their kids for play dates or birthday parties.”
He wanted to change that by getting “Dads out of their comfort zone and making them take charge of their kids for basically anything outdoors.”
Rupesh has been building the Cool Dads Club gradually but his energy for doing it burns strong. “I feel that Dads have so much more to contribute to their kids’ overall development,” he said. “That just starts with spending some casual fun time with them.”
Lead Dad of the Week
Rupesh Bhambwani – Mumbai, India

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