Paul’s Picks

Hey Lead Dads…You’re in Good Company Now!
Come in. Have a seat. Relax.
You’re in good company now. We’re all Lead Dads and we’re here to help. Really, you can let down your guard.
We’re all in this together.
Is The Dollar Value of Dad Really Half of Mom?
Dads are worth less than Moms, according to a Father’s Day Survey from A father’s value for the work he does at home is worth…
Father’s Day Gift: Let Dads Be Parents
When the plane my wife was on landed, she forwarded me an email. As I read it, I rolled my eyes – for the 50th time this school year!
What’s Worse for a Working Parent? September or May?
Katherine Goldstein’s naming of “May-hem” in her newsletter this week is spot on. Her Double Shift newsletter is always great but this one…
What Are You Worried About At Work?
Working dads are now more worried about being penalized for parenting than working moms.When I read this stat, from Bright Horizons’s…
Are Fathers Entitled To Be Parents At Work?
Who should be part of a company’s parent group? I’ve had time to think about that today. Today I had a morning meeting with three people…
Does Your Kids’ Dentist Like Kids?
Do you know the name of your child’s dentist? This is a great question Eve Rodsky asks fathers.I certainly do. But I often mumble it in…
Dads Want to Help. Will Schools Let Them?
Does equality start at home or at work?It’s the chicken-or-the-egg question for the post-Covid world of life for working parents…
Can Leaders Lead Remotely?
When you’re starting something new, it’s not a great idea to single out a big company who could support what you’re trying to achieve with…
Why Men Are Leading On Family Leave
After we finally made it through airport security, to fly with our kids for spring break, my wife turned and said: “Why can’t the U.S…
Confusing Vacation And… Paternity Lead?? C’mon Bro’!
“How was your vacation?” If you’re asking me about last week, I’d say, great. We went to Arizona, and we hiked around the Sonoran desert…
Why Is a CareShift Good For Everyone?
Daylight savings, with the annual clock changing routine (unless you live in Arizona!), has stirred debate as to why we still do this…
Should There Be A Tradeoff Between Work and Babies?
After our weekly Tuesday meeting, our social media manager texted me: “Sorry I was a little off today. Might have to get induced tomorrow…