Do you ever get overwhelmed with working while being a lead parent?
Skip Cherryholmes gives a brief glimpse into the exhaustion of being a working Lead Dad, but also the personal joy and benefits that come with making time for family.
Skip Cherryholmes gives a brief glimpse into the exhaustion of being a working Lead Dad, but also the personal joy and benefits that come with making time for family.
Company of Dads team member, Terry Brenan, talks about what he was (and wasn’t) prepared for when he committed to the role of a Lead Dad.
Skip Cherryholmes talks about other parents that have come to realize his position, and how they engage with him over family matters.
Paul Sullivan covers this common question, and engaging with other parents while your kids are playing.
Skip Cherryholmes explains how parenting will change your perspective of “manly” or “macho” thinking, and what is honorable to his family…
Paul Sullivan lays out a few ways to push past the exahstion of being a Lead Dad, and offers some positive advice that helps his mindset.