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Are Attitudes Shifting towards Fathers at the Playground?

When it comes to parental involvement, playgrounds and playdates are typically thought about as more of a “mom” thing. Moms have…

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Including Dads in Essential Meetings

Many dads are finding ways to assist more and be involved in the home. While there are no barriers to taking over shopping, cleaning, and…

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Need Planning Tips For A Weekend With Kids? Here You Go

Lead Dads know how to step up and be an equal parent. Laundry, housekeeping, bookkeeping, and scheduling kids from school to practice to…

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Moving Cross-Country with Kids: Navigating the Emotional Journey

Moving can be an exhilarating and emotionally challenging experience, for adults and kids. Add in a long move – say cross country – and…

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10 Screen-Free Road Trip Activities

The family road trip is so much more than a car ride – but that car ride can set the mood for wherever you’re going. Children plus Long…

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How To Grow Your Child’s Taste Buds

Chicken nuggets. Pasta with no sauce – or sauce but no meat. Grilled cheese. Cheese pizza. Did we mention chicken nuggets? The list of…

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Embracing – and Navigating – the Teen Years

The teenage years are a rollercoaster of emotions, growth, and exploration for both teens and parents. It’s a phase riddled with rapid…

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Tips and Advice, Work

How To Navigate the Shift To Work-From-Home As A Family

The world of remote work has sent companies scrambling for new ways to work; it’s also upended the at-home world of many families…

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Education, Kids Activities

Teaching Life Lessons in the Kitchen

The kitchen is more than a place to cook; it’s a space for learning, thinking creatively, and being together as a family. Involving kids…

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How To Foster Empathy in Children

Teaching empathy to our children is more critical than ever in today’s world. How we do it often starts with a simple, everyday experience…

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How to Make Gifts Fair and Inclusive

When our children are young and small, their birthday parties seem fairly easy to put together. As they grow and develop social circles…

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Education, Parenting, Resources

Top 10 Educational Resources for Young Kids

Consuming media is the norm for kids growing up today. Kids as young as first grade get Chromebooks assigned to them in elementary school…

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