
Tips and Tricks to Make Moving Easier
There are a lot of moving pieces that go into actually moving. Packing, loading, de-cluttering, donating, moving utilities, and the list goes on. If you’ve done it, you know how stressful it can be. Now, throw in children and pets running around and th …
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How a CEO’s Life Prepared Him For WFH Leadership
In one year, Chris Michalak lost his marriage, his job and his dog. He became a single Lead Dad with custody of his sons. He kept it…
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Ryan Peffer
A professional golfer, and Lead Dad in Breton Woods, N.H., is our Lead Dad of the Week. He was the long-time assistant coach of the Boston…
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A Camp Lesson On Speaking Up
My wife leads by example, and our daughters are learning by watching her. There are the everyday moments, but that’s not what I’ve been…
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Top Rainy Day Kid Activities
Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day—like when the kids are at school. However, that’s almost never the case. It rains or snows…
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How Do You Measure Time As A Father?
How do our kids change as they age? All fathers observe it in real time but Jay Rosenblatt recorded it. Starting when his daughter was…
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Alex Leach
Alex, a Lead Dad to a boy and a girl, runs his own video production company, Firebelly Sound. His wife Becky works in financial services…
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How A Teenager Stood Up To Small Town Racism
My teenage daughter walked into my home office while I was on a call. She seemed different, not how she normally cracks my door to ask a question, tattle on a sister or sit for some homework help. As I titled the headset, she teared up. Then she began …
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Skip Cherryholmes: Month 3 Of Lead Dad Life
Skip Cherryholmes spent nearly two decades on the road as an acclaimed Bluegrass musician. Starting as a pre-teen, he was a member of…
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5 Tips for Picky Eaters
When babies first start eating solid foods, they’ll eat almost anything. So much so that with all of the vegetable eating, they lull you into a false sense of security. You think you’ve got parenting and feeding your kid healthy, nutrient dense food na …
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What Are The Three Cords Of Fatherhood?
The three cords are work, family and self. And author Rocco Carreiro said all three need to be bound together for men to be happy and…
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