With college – and college football – in full swing, we’re introducing the founder of DadFrat as our Lead Dad of the Week.
Seth Movsovitz, a business owner in Palm Valley, FL, launched DadFrat as a lark some 20 years ago, when his friends started having children. (There’s a vintage Fox News Kansas City piece, with his daughter Maci who is now 24.)
“I checked to see if the letters Delta Alpha Delta were used,” he said. “They weren’t so we trademarked them.”
The brand bumped along but now that his kids are grown and he finds himself with more time he relaunching DadFrat. “This is what I’ll be doing for the rest of my life,” he said. He’s got support from his old high school friend, NBA great and proud dad, Dee Brown.
Movsovitz makes a point that all fathers are welcome, single, married, Republican, Democrat. “If you love being a dad, we’re celebrating fatherhood,” he said. “It’s about being a dad.”
While his four children are out of high school and a some out of college, he looks back fondly on those early years – and is hoping to share his love of being a father with other guys who want to be part of @DadFrat.
Lead Dad of the Week
Seth Movsovitz – Palm Valley, FL

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