
Terry Brenan
Terry Brenan is a proud dad in a household that consists of his wife, twin daughters and a fish so small he can only see it when he has his reading glasses on. Putting a 15-year corporate advertising and marketing career on hold, he became a Lead Dad and packed his MBA in dry ice when his twins were born. Terry’s career has run second to his wife’s for several years while he has focused mainly on bestowing his vast knowledge, wisdom and life skills upon his daughters, who will spend the rest of their lives recovering. He is now in the process of resuming his marketing career while exploring writing and other interests.
Terry Brenan has been featured as a Lead Dad of the Week!

Mario Boucher
Mario Boucher is an innovative, deadline-driven, and highly effective communicator with a proven record of integrity and leadership in providing real-time content solutions to a broad range of companies. As a journalist, Mario has met and interviewed high-profile individuals such as Steven Spielberg, Bill Nye, and Chris Hadfield, among other entertainment, sports, science, and business leaders for newspaper and magazine publications and websites. Currently, Mario is a content manager for a communications company and freelances as a magazine feature writer.
Mario Boucher has been featured as a Lead Dad of the Week!

JR Havlan
JR Havlan is a comedian and 8-time Emmy Award-winning writer for “The Daily Show”. He lives in New York, where he is a Lead Dad for his son, daughter and wife who works in education.
JR Havlan has been featured in a Podcast episode!

Tony Maws
Award-winning chef Tony Maws is a Boston man about town. His restaurant Craigie on Main was a shining a light in the city’s culinary scene for two decades, and the food – and fun cocktails – that came out of it were duly celebrated. But Tony is also a Lead Dad, even more so now as he contemplates his next move.
Tony Maws has been featured in a Podcast episode!

Gerald Olson
Gerald Olson is a Lead Dad living and working in Los Angeles, California. He adopted his son Astor through California’s “Safely Surrendered Baby” program, which allows a mother to surrender her newborn within 72 hours of birth, no questions asked. Olson got a call on a Thursday night and picked up his infant son the next day. That was three and a half years ago.
Gerald Olson has been featured as a Lead Dad of the Week!

Brian Page
Brian Page is married with three children, a dog, and a home full of foster kittens. He is the founder of Modern Husbands. He spent 15 years as a personal finance and economics educator. I was recognized as a National Educator of the Year by the Milken Foundation and Ohio Department of Education, a CNN Money Hero, a CEE Forbes Award winner, and a former Working Group Member of the U.S. President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability.
Brian Page has been featured as a Lead Dad of the Week!

Jack Shaw
Jack Shaw is the senior lifestyle writer at Modded with and a single father with a special interest in navigating the ins and outs of being a parent. As fathers, the work we put in isn’t always recognized, but it’s absolutely essential to the health and well-being of our children. You can find more of Jack’s work in publications like Tiny Buddha, Daddy’s Digest, Simply Family Magazine and more.